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5 Reasons Why Excess Alcohol Will Harm Your Physique
For many people, it is normal to drink alcohol during social events. That is okay, but we should avoid too much alcohol when trying to get into better shape. This is because alcohol will hurt anyone's physique. There is no need for alcohol in the body, and it will impede your progress in several ways. Here are 5 ways that excess alcohol will harm your physique:

1. It reduces protein synthesis.
Protein synthesis is the process that joins amino acids together to form proteins. Drinking too much alcohol slows this process down by up to 20%. Because protein synthesis is necessary for muscle growth, too much alcohol will slow or stop your muscle growth.

2. It lowers testosterone levels.
Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in the body. In fact, a person's testosterone level will dictate how much muscle that person can gain or maintain. Because alcohol lowers testosterone levels, it is another way that alcohol reduces or stops muscle growth.

3. It causes dehydration.
The kidneys must work very hard to break down alcohol. In doing so, they excrete large amounts of water from the body. Water plays a crucial role in muscle-building. So, being even slightly dehydrated is a recipe for disaster. The muscles alone are comprised of 70% water.

4. It depletes the body of vitamins and minerals.
Alcohol consumption quickly drains Vitamins A, C, the B Vitamins, Calcium, Zinc, and Phosphorus from the human body. Vitamins and minerals are important to many functions in the human body. Some of these functions include muscle growth and maintenance.

5. It increases fat storage.
Alcohol delivers about 7 Calories per gram. It also disrupts the Krebs Cycle, which slows down the metabolism. This makes it much easier to gain fat, and harder to burn it off.

We all need recreation in our lives. For many people, this includes drinking alcohol during social events. But drinking too much alcohol or drinking alcohol too often is bad for your physique. It will impede or stop your progress toward your fitness goals. So if you are serious about fitness, drink very little alcohol or none at all.

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